Little Ducklings and Little Caterpillars
Ages 15 mos – 2.9
Welcome to the Toddler Little Ducklings and Little Caterpillars classroom at the Greater Quincy Child Care Center. Throughout the day, the children in these classrooms are becoming increasingly independent and aware of themselves as individuals. The teachers work to help your child develop independence in areas such as self-help skills, language skills to communicate their needs, thoughts and ideas to others and social skills as they learn how to play and cooperate with peers.
Curriculum and Child Development
Our curriculum is developed following the Massachusetts Department of Education for Infant, Toddler and Preschool Learning Guidelines. Our goal for the guilder is to learn self-help skills, social skills, language, and problem solving skills.
Self-help skills -hand washing, putting on coats, using utensils and pouring their own milk at meal time
Language skills – encourage communication of their needs, peer exchanges at meal time.
Social skills –Circle time, lunch and snack. Utilizing art materials in groups
Large Motor – Playground time and in our Rumpus Room structure and unstructured games.
Fine Motor – Puzzles, lacing, drawing with crayons. Sensory exploration and using the books on the shelf.
Communication with Parents
The teachers will work to ensure each parent knows how their child’s day was and what types of activities he or she participated in while at school.
Monthly Newsletters detail curriculum and classroom updates.
Daily forms are filled out and placed in your child’s mailbox to share information about mealtimes If and for how long your child napped at rest time and diapering and toilet information.
We are available during drop off and pick up to answer questions as well as by phone during rest-time between the hours of 1:00pm – 2:30pm for further discussion.
Quarterly home and school questionnaires and semiannual written Developmental Assessments.
Engage their
growing curiosity
Curiosity is critical to your child’s success because it signals a hungry mind. If they are inquisitive, they are more open to new experiences. They can generate more original ideas and produce simple solutions to complex problems as they progress.